Common Threads
For several years we enjoyed a monthly group called Common Threads. It was sparked by the knitting and other handwork done by many women while on the women’s retreats. For a few years we would meet at someone’s home and then for the last few years we would meet at The Nottingham as a guest of Nancy Ridings. Sometimes we would meet in the lobby by the fish tank and enjoyed interactions with other residents, sometimes, in Nancy’s apartment. Lots of laughter and handwork. Sadly, Covid ended this gathering and now we have also lost Nancy who we loved dearly.
Several of us remember with fondness those times together and an idea sparked recently in Betsy Elkins’ mind. Perhaps we could resume Common Threads with a goal of knitting and or crocheting squares that will then be assembled into blankets. We could place these “welcome blankets” on the beds in the Tiny Homes apartments that will be on the second floor of the Parish Hall, hopefully within the next few years!
If you are interested, please speak with Laurie or Betsy and we will begin planning. If you would like to open your home to others for a Common Threads gathering, let us know. Or, perhaps we could meet again at The Nottingham. As we hear from others, we will create a plan.